Charles Darwin Quotes that can help you in life, science, nature, and wisdom, helping you to absorb these qualities into your life to improve yourself and achieve your goals, becoming a genius like him.
famous quotes from charles darwin
It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as I am in mine.
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
A man’s friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.
The highest stage in moral culture at which we can arrive, is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
As for a future life, every man must judge for himself between conflicting vague probabilities.
Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.
The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.
The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability.
Man selects only for his own good: Nature only for that of the being which she tends.
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.
If everyone was cast in the same mould, there would be no such thing as beauty.
The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognise that we ought to control our thoughts.
We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized that they were inside us.
A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, – a mere heart of stone.
Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.
Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence.
It is mere rubbish thinking, at present, of origin of life; one might as well think of origin of matter.
The very essence of instinct is that it’s followed independently of reason.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
Nothing exists for itself alone, but only in relation to other forms of life
Only the fittest will survive.
It is so important to bear in mind the probability of conversion from one function to another.
Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.
I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men
I am turned into a sort of machine for observing facts and grinding out conclusions.
charles darwin quotes evolution
Evolution is written on the wings of butterflies.
I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious views of anyone.
I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.
I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
A man’s friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.
One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.
If it wasn’t for seasickness, all the world would be sailors!
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one.
On the ordinary view of each species having been independently created, we gain no scientific explanation.
I never gave up Christianity until I was forty years of age.
charles darwin quotes on change
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change
The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.
We are always slow in admitting any great change of which we do not see the intermediate steps.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
not the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
I am like a gambler, and love a wild experiment.
We are not here concerned with hopes or fears, only with truth as far as our reason permits us to discover it.
Not one change of species into another is on record … we cannot prove that a single species has been changed.
There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.
charles darwin quotes adaptation
The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability.
It is not the biggest, the brightest or the best that will survive, but those who adapt the quickest.
One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and weakest die.
This preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call natural selection or the survival of the fittest.
Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence.
It’s not the strongest, but the most adaptable that survive.
In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
charles darwin quotes on natural selection
It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as I am in mine.
Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits.
Nothing can be more hopeless than to attempt to explain this similarity of pattern in members of the same class, by utility or by the doctrine of final causes.
A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections a mere heart of stone.
I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men
I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious views of anyone.
We will now discuss in a little more detail the Struggle for Existence.
charles darwin quotes survival of the fittest
Only the fittest will survive.
The expression often used by Mr. Herbert Spencer of the Survival of the Fittest is more accurate, and is sometimes equally convenient.
I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.
We will now discuss in a little more detail the Struggle for Existence.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Institutionalized rejection of difference is an absolute necessity in a profit economy which needs outsiders as surplus people.
Survivors aren’t always the strongest; sometimes they’re the smartest, but more often simply the luckiest.
It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.
charles darwin quotes it is not the strongest
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
funny Charles Darwin quotes
I walk around like everything’s fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.
I haven’t spoken to my wife in years. I didn’t want to interrupt her.
You know you’ve reached middle age when you’re cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.
Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.
These Charles Darwin quotes should help you improve yourself. You can also read Stephen Hawking quotes.